Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Open Studios

There will be open studios this weekend coinciding with the exhibition opening and print symposium.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Interview with Jonathan Monaghan

Hey all! here is an interview with me done by Philadelphia-based art crtic Robert Fallon:

Architecture of fantasy — an interview with Jonathan Monaghan
"Jonathan Monaghan’s animated video projection “Into Temptation (French Penguin)” stood out in the recent emerging artist show, Vox V, at Vox Populi. The competition to get into the show, which was juried by Ryan Trecartin and Larry Mangel, was fierce; and the immersive installation, which wonderful, made it hard for one work to speak louder than another. Nonetheless, Monaghan’s silent and eerie piece — a mash-up of a cathedral with a penguin — intrigued me. Reverberant of the age-old struggle between flesh and stone; man and animal; religion and the id, the piece has beauty, weirdness, exquisite craftsmanship and a kind of goth-cinematic style. In our era of vampire-obsession it is channeling ideas about “the other” in a way that doesn’t use vampires! Click for Full Interview...